Radiation-biological examination: 170 € excl. VAT.
- Scope: 1-4 rooms
- Duration: approx. 2-3 hours
- Travel costs will be charged additionally (lower than the ADAC car club flat rate)
Radiation neutralization
Geo-Safe-E®: each 330 € to 350 € excl. VAT.
Necessary radiation neutralization devices are calculated in addition to the examination.
As a rule, one Geo-Safe-E® neutralization per room is sufficient.
The rooms in which you spend hours should be neutralized.
Since the neutralizations are dependent on the existing radiation, a precise price can not be determined in advance. You will be informed in a pre-visit phone call.
Bio Safe: 330 € excl. VAT.
Standardized neutralization of electrosmog and earth radiation for averagely polluted sleeping and living rooms and computer workplaces.
It covers a radius of about 10 meters.
Office-Safe: 390 € excl. VAT.
Standardized, specific neutralization of electrosmog radiation fields for office workplaces.
It covers a radius of about 15-20 meters.
- Bio Safe: standardized protection against radiation fields for rooms and workplaces
- Office-Safe: electrosmog neutralization for office workplaces